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  3. Garbage Disposals – Making the Most of One

Garbage Disposals – Making the Most of One

Garbage disposals are essential and convenient. Have you ever thought about getting a garbage disposal? If you haven’t, then maybe it’s time to consider one because it can be one of the most useful and convenient kitchen gadgets you’ll own. 

Like all powered tools, they need to be used safely, and there are certainly some guidelines you should know to help you get the most out of your garbage disposal unit. Read on to learn more about how waste disposal units work, their benefits and the safe, efficient use of one.

What is a garbage disposal unit?

A garbage disposal is a machine that helps you get rid of kitchen waste. It works by grinding up the food waste into tiny pieces, which can then be flushed down the drain. Garbage disposals are usually installed under your kitchen sink and then activated by a switch. Running water as you use the unit helps it to work properly, as can adding a small amount of dishwashing liquid when grinding tougher items.

The many benefits of garbage disposals

Garbage disposal units are helpful in many ways. They break down food waste quickly and easily, so you don’t have to worry about it stinking up your kitchen or attracting pests. Here are a few reasons why we think they make a great addition to any home’s kitchen…

  • ease of use
  • make cleaning up after meals a breeze
  • help keep the kitchen smelling fresh as scraps are eliminated
  • reduces the amount of waste that goes into the bin heading to landfill
  • affordable and easily installed by a licenced plumber

Dos and don'ts of garbage disposal use

Surprisingly, many people don’t use their garbage disposals to their full potential because they don’t understand how to use them properly. The prime thing to keep in mind is that your waste disposal unit is not a rubbish bin! It’s absolutely crucial to make sure you avoid putting any of the following down your disposal:

  • non-food items like plastic, glass, or metal
  • bones
  • grease and oils

You should also limit things like the following going down your disposal too:

  • cores, seeds and pits
  • fibrous foods such as artichokes, celery stalks and corn cobs

These items can cause clogs and odours, which can ultimately lead to poor drainage and possible damage to your machine.

The grinding chamber of your unit is powerful, but it’s not designed to handle tough items or food waste that’s too difficult to break down. If you need to dispose of these types of things, it’s best to put them in the bin instead.

So the rule of thumb when it comes to what can and can’t be put down your garbage disposal is to keep in mind never put down anything that could jam or obstruct the blades – this includes bones, fibrous fruit skins, eggshells, etc. Instead, try to compost these items or dispose of them in another way that is safe for your disposal system.

Installing a garbage disposal unit

A licenced plumber should only ever install garbage disposal units. This is definitely not a job for the home handyman because the plumber will need to ensure that your unit is correctly connected and sealed, as well as check that it meets regulations.

Getting the most from your garbage disposal

Garbage disposals certainly are a great convenience for busy people who want to make cooking and cleaning up more straightforward and efficient. However, like with any appliance, it’s important to understand how to use and maintain your garbage disposal unit safely and effectively in order to get the most out of it.

When you first have a garbage disposal unit installed, it’s important to read the manufacturer’s manual thoroughly for a detailed explanation of how to use the garbage disposal and which objects should not be put down the drain. This is important information that can save you time and hassle (and even your warranty) down the track.

If you experience any problems with your garbage disposal – whether it’s clogged or not working at all – a good first step is to take a look at the troubleshooting tips provided in your owner’s manual, as these will generally help you identify and fix most issues quickly and easily. Of course, if problems continue or if nothing that’s recommended in the manual works, get in touch with us, and one of our qualified plumbers will be able to help you.

When cleaning your garbage disposal unit, it’s always a good idea to use a bio-friendly cleaner. Regular cleaning of your unit and sink can help eliminate nasty odours and bacteria, as well as help keep the unit in good working order by preventing clogs from happening in the first place. Baking soda or vinegar are both environmentally friendly solutions that work quickly and efficiently and are also helpful for removing any stubborn odours.

Regular maintenance is important for the longevity and good working order of your garbage disposal, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit of grinding a few ice cubes or citrus peels (in short bursts) once a month or so. Doing this can help keep your unit running smoothly.

Finally, if you find your garbage disposal is getting clogged or smells funky (which can happen if it’s not been used in a while), don’t hesitate to call us for help.

Embracing a less waste lifestyle

When installing a garbage disposal unit as part of a less (or zero) waste lifestyle, remember that it’s still important to minimise the amount of waste we put down our drains. This means using the disposal efficiently and remaining mindful of what goes into it, which will help keep your unit running more efficiently and reduce potential blockages in the long run.

Going ahead with a garbage disposal unit

Garbage disposals are incredibly useful and efficient machines that can make life in the kitchen much easier. By following the tips we’ve shared in this blog post, you’ll be able to get the most out of your garbage disposal unit and avoid any potential problems. It’s actually quite simple: make sure to read the instructions carefully before getting started, avoid putting unsuitable materials down your drain, and keep your unit maintained in good working order.

The benefits of an easier kitchen clean up as well as knowing you are putting fewer scraps into landfill are both great reasons to contact Eco Earth Plumbing today on 0404 023 023 to discuss installing a garbage disposal unit in your kitchen. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and help get your unit installed as quickly and safely as possible.